
Tiny Tales Thursday...

Radley's "school" does a great job of teaching the kiddos about Jesus/the Bible/God, etc... Since Easter was last week they discussed Him a lot. Ryan and I also do a pretty good job of making Jesus and God a part of our every day lives with prayer, books, songs and stories.

Radley does great at reciting verses and prayers so Ryan thought that we should start teaching him a prayer a month. This month... Hail Mary.

As we finished reciting the prayer Ryan asked Radley if he knew who Mary was.

Radley: looking at me for some help Hmmm....
Me: in a whisper Jesus' Mommy
Radley: Jesus' Mommy! You know Jesus. He was nailed to a cross. And then he died. But that's okay because he rose again.
Me and Ryan: thinking to self  To fulfill the scripture... (such good Catholics).

Thanks for the theology lesson, buddy.

He was just so matter-of-fact... "you know, Jesus" like they were best-friends. I love that. That he accepts this word as truth and although he can't comprehend the depth of what he has learned, I know that one day he will. 


And to make you laugh... more peanuts stories.

As a Mom, the bathroom is no longer a private place, especially when I'm home with just Radley and Emmy. We were playing the other day and I ran to use the facilities real quick. Not two seconds later the pitter patter of a 3 year old was behind me.

Radley: Why you sitting down, Mommy? You have to poop?
Me: No, buddy. Girls just sit down to use the restroom.
Radley: Oh. Because you don't have a peanuts.
Me: Yes. I don't have a penis.
Radley: Oh. Why?
Me: Because girls don't have a penis, just boys.
Radley: Oh. sits quietly thinking to himself
Radley: So baby Cooper has a peanuts because he's a boy!
Me: Yes, buddy. Cooper has a penis.
Radley: That's cool.

You think he'll just bypass the "What do girls have?" question? I hope so!

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