

When Radley hit the big 1 year milestone, I quit sending monthly updates via Kodak gallery. Instead I did them on the even months, so trying to be a good and equal, Mommy... here is Emmy's 14 Month Update!

 So what have you been up to?

Well, you are a walker/runner/chaser of Radley/finder of cats/big girl.  You get places so fast and just think that you are so smart because you can walk. You have also mastered climbing - onto the couch, into the dishwasher, up on the coffee table...anywhere you want you get. The other day I caught you in your bathroom on Radley's step stool with your hands in the sink like you were going to wash them. What?!?! 

We have to pay very close attention to you!

You also insist on attempting to feed yourself. Well, not really attempting... for some reason I am more reluctant to let you use a spoon than Radley. I think you are messier than he was - and we all know how mommy likes messes. You are rather cute at your insistence, so if something requires a spoon or fork, then we hand it over to you. 

You are VERY aware that there are "big people" things and "little people" things. For example, a cup. You don't mind your sippy cup at all until one of us gets a big cup out and then it is :::insane gesturing at cup + grunting/attempting at saying recognizable word::: and we try to let you drink out of said cup, you kind of look at us as if to say, "I can hold this myself thankyouverymuch" ... we have yet to let you attempt that. 

We did; however, give you this little juice cup and once again. you thought you were just "so big!" 

This guy continues to be your favorite toy. You just want to be everywhere and in everything he does. You hang with him step for step, ounce for ounce and just laugh and laugh at him. He lets you pick, poke, prod and "pat" most of the time -- every now and then he lets us know when you've gone too far with your "love sharing". 

I think you look so big in these pictures!! But, you are still our petite little girl - 

18 lbs, 6 oz; not sure on your height; size 2 shoe, size 2 diaper, and size 12 month clothes. 

Your vocab is expanding to the point that we know what you want, but your words are still limited to: Mama, Dada (not really when we walk in a room though), Cat (EVERYtime they walk in a room...I see where we rate), RaRa (Radley and only sometimes), Hi, Bye Bye, More, and this weekend WaWa (which was water). You love signing "more" and "please" these days ... so I think your words will catch up soon. 

We love you, Estelle Emersyn King!! Happy 14 Month Day!

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