
The story of my life...

** Welcome to all of Kelly's readers. This post is dated in 2011, but I thought it was relevant to today's SUYL. Hope you enjoy!** 

I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but well Hollywood made a picture about my life. I was lucky enough to have the lovely Sarah Jessica Parker (or as her besties like to call her, SJP) play me. 

I think she did a pretty good job. 


All joking aside, I did go see this film (alone...can you say: indulgence!!) and enjoyed every minute of it. So much so that it inspired this blog post. And while the film didn't cause me to think or evaluate life as the Matrix, Inception or even for one adorable 3 year old I know, Star Wars might... it did make think about MY life and well, how I "do it". (Not like that... don't be dirty...this is a family blog)

SJP is a full-time working mom of 2 adorable kiddos. Doting husband. Semi-reliable nanny. Killer wardrobe, awesome body, and well she gets to work with Pierce Bronson so life can't be that bad. 

But she also suffers from what I imagine most moms (working or not) do.... getting it "all" done. She refers to "the list" quite a lot. You all know what I'm talking about... the running list of things that you need to do, order, make, purchase, return, create, wrap, give, eat, wear or throw away. 

All women have this list. 

Men do not. 

Things currently on my list:
1. Finish Emmy's Baby Book
2. Finish Radley's "Year as a big brother book"
3. Make sure I really finished Radley's baby book
4. Finish Radley's 3rd and 4th year books
5. Decide how long I am going to make books
6. Start my Etsy shop
7. Decide on Santa gifts
8. Finish Halloween costumes
9. Decide on Thanksgiving menu
10. Decide on nursery theme
11. Haircut/color
12. Pick out Christmas card theme
13. Buy Caroline/Annaliese hospital goodies
14. Buy Charis and Bert 15 Anniversary card (spoiled the surprise there)

Oh my gosh my blood pressure just went up writing that because I just added things not previously on the list. You will also notice this is a "personal/home life" list... don't even get me started on work. 

Ryan's list:
1. Do whatever it takes to not make Katy freak out about something. 

I never rarely frequently often sometimes have moments ... you know those "holy *&%@ how is it going to get done, what did I forget to do, where can I just buy it" moments. And I survive. Just last night I discovered our scheduled Monday sitter (I work late on Monday's) got sick and couldn't get the kids... it was 5:27pm... I have to be at daycare by 5:30pm or we get "fined".

I had a moment. But I figured it out. And we survived. 

I may have yelled at Ryan a little. Sorry, babe. 

The point of this post is that we ALL do it. And we do it however it works for us. And I am so proud of what I accomplish every.single.day. And you should be too. Whether you work from home, stay at home, work from work. Whether you have 1 kid or 10. Whether you breastfeed for a year or not.

This is HARD work. And no one really every talks openly about that. 

I have a job that I mostly always love. Students that are flexible and understanding and hopefully value the work-life balance example I set. Kick ass friends. Wonderful parents and family. And most of all, a loving husband that puts up with "my lists", crazy ideas/requests/rants, and just loves me.

So how do I do it? 
1. Pray. A lot. 
2. Have a wonderful husband that wants to be involved. (Even if I make him. Sometimes).
3. Make lists. A lot. 
4. Create routine. 
5. Family!!
6. Ask for help - even if I don't want to. 
7. Give myself a break (not often...but sometimes).
8. Cry when I need to.
9. Have a hidden stash of chocolate.
10. And sometimes, I say yes to the mid-day snack of fried chicken.

And I think one of the best things about all of this chaos is that I WANT to do it. 

It's understanding your limits. It's accepting what you just aren't able to do. It's realizing that not doing it all does not make you a failure. Baby books or no baby books, they will survive. And won't be disappointed the rest of their lives. I don't have a baby book and I'm fine. (Now, I do have access to every piece of homework, article of clothing, school project, dance costume, and video ever made of my brothers and me... thanks mom!) 

This week I am saluting my mom friends... I am going to tell you how they do it. I am so thrilled to be in this mom business with them...they inspire me always with how they get it all done!

Stay tuned....

EDITED: Click on "Queen Bees" in the menu bar above and see how other moms do "it" too!! Enjoy!


  1. I drug Kidd to that movie. Yes, my movie picking privileges have been temporarily suspended. He didn't find it nearly as relevant and entertaining as I did--shocker. You are an amazing mom and woman!! I want to be like you when I grow up. I'll add that to one of my lists. :-)

  2. Great, honest post! I can't wait to read what else you will share. With #2 almost here, I'll take any tips that other Momma's will share!

  3. Oh I love your post....visiting from Kelly's site....I had to check the date of the post when you started talking about Santa gifts (Good Lord, I thought, please don't let that be on her list in February!)

    1. I also saw this link from Kelly's Korner - such a cute post! How great of SJP to play you! :) If a movie was made about "how I do it", it would probably be some frumpy mom that always leaves the house with wet hair and a bag full of calendars just to remember what is going on when!
