
Tiny Tales Thursday...

MaMaw came to visit last week for Emmy's birthday. She really loves to be around the kids and the kids really  like to hang out with her, too. Especially Radley because she will sit and do puzzles with him for hours.

He's really into ages of people, whenthey were born, etc... and he realizes that MaMaw is a little older than other people we are around often.

Radley: MaMaw is special, isn't she Mommy?
Me: Yes, buddy, she is.
Radley: Well, she must be special for God to want her to be around this long.

The way he said it was just so sweet and loving that it made those good tears you can only get from a child sting my eyes.

This tale is extra special today, too. MaMaw fell and broke her hip yesterday and is recovering from surgery as I type. We'd all appreciate your special prayers.

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