
Radley's Kindergarten Lesson Plan...

The Kindergarten Countdown has officially ended. As of this moment, we are officially the parents of KINDERGARTENER! And as much as we loved giving him presents, taking him shopping, meeting his teachers and celebrating with his friends, our favorite part was getting all of his favorite people involved in the celebration, too!

We emailed Rad's nearest and dearest and asked them to send us a "lesson" that they wanted him to learn this year. More than reading, more than spelling, more than writing and math... what ONE thing did they want him to take away from Kindergarten. And the results brought some major tears to our eyes but more importantly a giant smile to his face!

We read a few to him each night and talked about what the lesson was really about and what the true meaning behind these precious words was. I love gifts like this and if you have a milestone celebration coming up, then take my advice - get others involved and let them help you send the message you've been dying to give. I wrote a little Dr. Seuss inspired intro to the whole thing...

and then the lessons began...

and some of the words, I had heard before...

His eyes just lit up each night we read a lesson... 

he really loved that all these people had all these words... 

just for him.

He loved really loved hearing the story of the first time KK watched him!

He thought Nana's advice was gross.

He thought Karli's advice was great!

He got serious with Aunt Jenni's because she is a kindergarten teacher. :)

He wanted to know more about Mr. Emerson...

and loved that "his" Miss Shanon sent him something, too.

Tia gave him a special lesson - she translated her verse to spanish for his backpack.

And he thought he was super cool that Uncle Josh told him the same thing that he tells his runners.

And of course we had a little something to say, too.

Wouldn't it be nice if life gave us lesson plans wrapped in a pretty package all the time? I know that this whole parenting gig could use a plan sometimes. Hopefully, Radley would give us an "A" because in our book, that amazing, kind, larger-than-life kindergarten boy is total aces!!

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