
SAAHE Sisters...

We were all set for a special celebration on Saturday night. My cohort from graduate school was in town to celebrate TEN years since graduation (which technically is in May). Y'all. TEN years. Since graduation. Of GRADUATE school.


I honestly feel like I only graduated high school five years ago, but in fact I did not. 

Not even close. 

But, I was so excited to be surrounded by this group of friends.  

These friends played such a huge part in shaping me to be the person I am today. They challenged me to think beyond what I knew, they loved me through every stupid "grad school break down", they laughed, they cursed, they pushed, they drank, and they became family.

And in that ten years, our family has grown to include spouses...

 sweet little ones...

and mischievous little ones, too.

And while some things have changed, lots have stayed the same. Like the boys always end up in one area and the girls in another. 

But, we have continued with our ability to celebrate and have a good time! If the reunion wasn't enough, we were celebrating Emily's birthday...

complete with a candle on a marshmallow!
(Can I just tell you that it was really difficult to light a candle from a giant flame. Wax melts. ;))

And then the best part of any gathering happened. 
We just talked and laughed and enjoyed the company of friends. 
No agenda, no plan, no major paper or presentation due the next day. 

The next generation of college students! HA!!

Men of SAAHE, we were sad to have missed you - you always added such color to the conversation. Becca, we wish you could have been there, too!

I can't believe it took us 10 years to get together again. Let's not wait so long next time...okay?

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