
Turkey Day Prep...

Do you have any Turkey Day prep rituals? 

We sort of do - I clean the house (because clearly that makes sense since 20+ people are about to embark on our home tracking in lots of stuff from the outside, but hey...I still do it), make desserts, and get most of the sides knocked out. 

But mostly we just hang out as a family, with no pressing "deadline" or project or task looming. And then I always ask myself why we don't treat every day like the holidays. 

Because we should. Life would be lots more fun. I imagine that is what Europe is like all the time. 

The kiddos finally met sweet Harper and each of them wanted to hold on her and snuggle as long as they could. 

And it's easy to see why. Because she is ADORABLY scrumptious!

Then Pops and the kiddos got to work cutting celery for the stuffing. 

And maybe stealing a few bites here and there, too. 

And that's about what we did. 

A whole lot of nothing special.

Which in my book, makes it the most spectacular thing in the world!

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