
Much ado about nothing...

Christmas is crazy. You know it. I know it. We all know it. Even when we try our hardest NOT to get caught up in at all, we do. The parties, the gifts, the decorations, the matching pjs and dresses and bows (and that can't be just me) can really drive a person crazy. 

And the craziest part about it all - those "people" that we claim to be going crazy for - you know, our kids - really just love all the extra time they are spending with you doing absolutely nothing. 

Like playing with a box...

or being pushed on a swing..."leally leally high!".

Those long afternoons outside in the endless Texas sun,

and making a slide out of trash...

that goes on and on...

and on.

What's really special is the time we spend teaching them about our family traditions...

and letting them be PART of keeping them going.

The slowing down and taking it all in, the listening to hours and hours of Christmas music, the laughter and joy that come with it all...

That's my favorite part of Christmas. 

What about you?

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