
Happy Birthday...

Our Lovely Landry -

Happy Birthday. As we celebrate this day we are reminded of what a beautiful and unexpected gift you are to us. We can always count on you to bring fun to any situation. To walk in with tiny piggies in your hair and remind us what seeking joy in life really means. 

Your unquieted spirit is such a beautiful part of who you are. You are determined and strong and such an independent child. You have mastered the art of getting dressed, opening doors, putting on shoes, brushing your hair, and saying "I do it!" that even when we are sure you cannot you surely do. 

NEVER lose that will. NEVER listen when someone tells you that you can't. Because you CAN and you will and we are so blessed to be able to witness your determination shine. 

(Even when letting us do it saves about 10 minutes).

Every part of you lights up our hearts. Your adorable smile, your messy hair, your beautiful eyes, and that sweet little chin. You get about 1632 kisses on your cheeks daily and would get more but we simply just run out of time. Your sister adores you. Your brother protects you. And you have us all just eating out of that tiny palm of your hand. 

You are a trouble maker. You love to stir the pot. You get away with it simply because your siblings let you. But you are also a peace maker. If someone is crying or sad, you are the first to bring them a comfort either through a pat, a kiss, a head tilt or even a baby doll. Your snuggles are the best gift and such a treasured part of my day. 

I never expected to be given such beautiful blessings from God. I never in a million years thought I was worthy enough of these three beautiful creatures. And I am not. But He placed each of you in my arms and I am surely never letting go. 

Happy birthday, Lovely Landry!!!! 

We love you!!!

(And as usual, these lovely moments captured by the wonderful Sarah Burns!) 

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