
Pumpkin Carving 101...

We finally got to carve our pumpkin this week - the kids basically had to wait FOR-EVERRRRR. 
(I'll let you guess which of the three were so dramatic). 

Radley picked which pumpkin was to be sacrificed and I think he made an excellent choice.

Everyone got to join in the fun of cleaning out the goop and getting all messy...

And each kid got to hack into his nose. 

They were more than pleased with the results and couldn't wait to get him outside. 

We tried (and failed) to take a family selfie to remember the special occasion and I think I may use this as my Christmas card. 

We did of course succeed at getting the cheesiest grins around from these three. 

Except I wasn't quite sure who that old kid was in the middle.


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